24 October, 2008

Visitators - the evidence!

Hi guys! Mom almost forgot to get the camera out to get evidence of our visitators, but remembered right before they left! They ate chickpeas in some yummy sauce and watched "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest".. The only downside was that the couch only takes three and they were three hoomans.. But I finally convinced Mom that I would fit in there too, and then we watched the movie all five of us! Yay!

Grandpa and I (once Mom had moved her big butt to get the camera I took her spot!)
We like visitators!!

Now see that freaky tummy! She's apparently eaten some kid!! (Now is that even LEGAL??)
But it works nice as a resting spot for kitties... She said I was too heavy. HEAVY! Hmpf...

I'd rather cuddle with Grandpa anyways!
I hope you all have great weekends!


Girl Girl Hamster said...

Yeah.. it's so nice to have visitors

~ Girl girl

Forever Foster said...

We are happy that you had fun with your visitors! Virus, you look very cute cuddled up with your Aunt:)

The Devil Dog said...

We are glad you got nice cuddles. Your visitators look really nice.


Ruby Bleu said...

Your visitators look nice. Um, you Auntie...who swallowed the hooman pup, um, weren't you and Virus afraid she'd swallow you too? Virus did you very comfy tho'!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Sandra y Coco Pug said...

How nice to have visitors. I think that the smaller the place the closest you can be with your loved ones! I live in a small apartment and for Christmas I will have visitors, too! I have to fit 9 people for 15 days. then 4 for 15 more days. Fun!

Puglette said...

HI! You all look so cuddly and comfy. Virus, were you talking to that kid in auntie's belly?
Have a lovely weekend!

Daisy said...

That looks like a very fun visitation!

Nevis said...

I love having visitors, too. Nice pictures! AND more of Baja! :)

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

My friends Ziggy and Marley (The RastaBoyz)'s mom had a baby biped in her tummy BUT he FINALLY khame out!

They get to meet him on Saturday!

It looks like lots of fun was had with your visitators!


Three Pugsketeers said...

Just wanted to post a hello and say that we love your blog!

Duke said...

That's a scary crazy movie! We're glad you all got to smush together on one couch!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Lorenza said...

I know you enjoyed a lot the visit of your Grandpa and Auntie!
All 5 on the couch to watch the movie??
Did you have popcorn??
Kisses and hugs