27 October, 2008

MomDay Cooking - Chana Masala

Here's a bit more of the Indian flavours for you! I tried to make an Indian sauce from scratch the other day and it turned out great! And it was soo much simpler than I imagined.. (I should have done this ages ago!)

Chana Masala
1 can of chopped tomatoes (400g)
1 onion (really.. I didn't have any and just skipped it without any problems)
1 carrot
1 clove of garlic
1 minced chili
1 tsp minced garlic
1 tsp turmeric
1 tsp (ground) cumin
1 tsp ground coriander
2 tbsp Garam Masala
1/2 lemon - juiced
1 can of chick peas (400g)
rice and/or naan bread and sallad!

I cooked my carrots in the sauce and they "vanished" when I used the hand blender in the end. Because of this I didn't bother to finely mince/grate the ginger. You could replace the carrot with other veg you like (or just add some more). I forgot to add the garlic to the picture!

The spices - I used some chili flakes and some tabasco to heat things up as I didn't have any fresh chilies.

Brown your onion and garlic and add ginger and the tomatoes and carrot pieces. Add the spices and leave to simmer for 20 minutes or so.

The chick peas - I cooked my own but canned work just fine if you don't bother. Here you see the dry one on the right, then a soaked one (10hours) and a boiled one on the left. I cooked my sauce and my soaked chick peas for an hour!

Then I added the juice from half a lemon to the sauce, whizzed it up and tasted - it was really yummy and I only added a little more tabasco. I don't have any plated pictures of this as I didn't eat it right away but brought some to work yesterday and some for lunch today. I'll try to remember to take a picture of my lunch. LOL! I have one more portion in my freezer and then I gave the rest of the sauce to PA and he brought it home and had this for dinner yesterday too (and gave it his approval).
I'm looking forwards to lunch! (",)


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

My mom is drooling!

She's been khraving Indian food and there isn't one in our town -

She should stop being lazy and make some of the things you've shared!


Archie and Melissa said...

hi ane!
oh this looks delicious. it will go perfectly with fred's bread!

thank you!

Duke said...

Maggie just ran away in disgust when she saw the picture of the lemon! My sissy HATES lemons!
This sounds very yummy to me!

Yer friend,

Nevis said...

Looks delicious!

meemsnyc said...

Ooooh yummy, that is a great recipe, I can't wait to try It.

Asta said...

Oh You always make Mommi dwool all ovew the pootew, and me too..now ouw tummies awe guwgling..it sounds wondewful
smoochie kisses

Lorenza said...

Hi, Ane!
Your recipe sounds delicious! Indian food is something we don't have here!
Thanks for sharing it!
Kisses and hugs
Lorenza and mom

Joe Stains said...

yumm, sounds delicious. Mom is wuss about hot foods but is getting lots better.

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Yummmm... Does your mom likes spicy food?

~ Girl girl

Dino and Family said...

Wow! Your mommy is definitely a good cook, I am drooling already! Nice to meet you Bajas! I am happy to report that Puggy is doing well.
Love, Dino

Simba and Jazzi said...

That looks yummy.

Simba x