Okay, so in our household the bestest spot to be is between Mom and the computer. It tend to have its own seat on the couch so Mom can do her multitasking during boring commercial breaks.. Se how brudder has squeezed his pretty big body down there?

Muahaha... He had to get a drink! It's mine, mine, MINE!

Kitten tummy.. Mom made me put this in!

What are you laughing at??? Huh??
That looks like an excellent tummy to blow raspberrys on!
Virus, your tummy looks extra soft!
Virus, don't let anyone make fun of your belly, it is nice and round and looks perfectly normal, no matter what any pugs in your house might say about it.
with support,
Howard Pee Pugpants
How khan one khreature look so khomfy khute and yet so evil!?!
there is a lot of kitty - pug mischief going on over there. how fun!
m & e
haha I agree with Khyra!!!
You got a cute little belleh!
Virus, you don't look very happy to have your picture taken. But you are very cute! For such a tiny kitten, you have big paws!
Hugs to you and your family,
Virus looks very cool. Very egyptian.
That is very funny. What a great tummy, Virus.
shuffle your feet, lose your seat! lol!
Hi, Bajas!
He stole your spot! Did you do something about it?
Yes, he has a nice belly!
Kisses and hugs
Virus...your belly looks so soft...is it soft??? and how did Bajas deal with you stealing his spot??? And your feeties...I love your feeties!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
I must say, I'm glad youw Mom put that tummy pictoowe in, cause it looks soo sweet..I would like to give you kisses on it
smoochie kisses
Virus sure look very comfy there
~ Girl girl
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