30 October, 2008

Creative Thursday...

Okay... First things first - Mom is pretty much finished and is just waiting for Auntie Anna to read through it for her before handing it in. She's been doing pretty much anything else while she was supposed to write, though.. She startet trying to crochet - but then got a bit tired of it and wanted to do something different...

I can't believe she made me model the hat!

I'm so not impressed...
But if you like that sort of thing I'm pretty cute, huh? It's going to be a birthday present for Grandpa, but please don't tell him!! (And the flash make it look baby blue, but it's actually quite a bit darker. Mom is still concerned it turned out a bit too sweet for grandpa, though..)

PS: I'll come visit you all soon... Mom didn't let me use the computer while she was writing.. Bah..


Eduardo said...

Bajas you look so handsome in that hat your Mommy made!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Puglette said...

Bajas, you always look so handsome, no matter what silly thing mom makes you wear. Does Virus have to model too?

Ane, your hat is very nice, your dad will be so happy.

Three Pugsketeers said...

Yay on finishing the paper! Great job on the hat too, it looks awesome!

Archie and Melissa said...

hi bajas!
you look so cute in that wonderful hat your mom made!
i love those pictures!
m & e

Sandra y Coco Pug said...

Your mom did that? how??? you look super cool in that hat! you should ask for one your size.

Joe Stains said...

it is very cute and you look great in blue!!

The Devil Dog said...

It actually looks darker than baby blue, so mom thinks it will be fine for grandpa. Hope your mom gets a good grade.


Clover said...

Oh Bajas - that hat looks pawesome on you! But I am sure your grandpa will love it, so enjoy it now. :) Your mom is talented!
Love Clover xo

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Joe is khorrekht!

Woo do look pretty khanine khute in the kholour!!


Girl Girl Hamster said...

That's a really cute hat you got there. ;)

~ Girl girl

Simba and Jazzi said...

Where did you get that hat, where did you get that hat? You look erm, cute?!

Simba x

Daisy said...

Bajas, you are modeling that cute cap real good!

Nevis said...

Bajas...you make an awesome model! Watch out Giselle!

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

You're the great model, Bajas!
Your mom dealing with writer block?I'm sending good vibes to your mom right now!
Please come to my blog to share with me my double dating story.

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

You're the great model, Bajas!
Your mom dealing with writer block?I'm sending good vibes to your mom right now!
Please come to my blog to share with me my double dating story.

Duke said...

What a beautiful job your mom did on the hat, Bajas! Your grandpa is going to love it!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Lorenza said...

Hi, Bajas!
That is a pawesome gift for your Grandpa!
And you are a very handsome model!
Kisses and hugs

Unknown said...

Hi Bajas Dreamboat Puggy, you do look very handsome in that hat. Your mom is very talented and hard working, too!
sending hug and kisses from Texas,
Annie and the stinky boys

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Has your mom finished the paper?
I did sent good vibes to her.
I hope you'll get hourly treats for your next modeling job, your mom has great knitting skill.
You have snow at your place already? Wow!
Please come to my blog to share my double dating story.