29 October, 2008

Guess what!?!?!?!

When Mom and I looked out this morning we saw....


OMD is it really TRUE???

I could make yellow snow! SNOW!

Do you see I like eating the SNOW?

Can you see where I walked?

This little guy was hanging in there, but I don't know for how much longer. Mom said the snow would probably melt during the day, but still there's SNOW outside. Di I mention I found SNOW?

Happy kisses,

(I'll let Virus post some other day. Snow is way more important than cat.)


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...


Lukhky pup woo are!!

As for snow being way more important than a cat post, YUM...nevFUR mind!!!

PeeEssWoo: And do watch out where the huskies go!

Dexter said...

Do live at the north pole or something? Snow already? It IS fun to eat, though, and its easier to "leave your mark" hee hee.


Three Pugsketeers said...

I like looking at the white stuff in pics and on your video but I'm very glad we don't have it here in Texas yet! ;)

Archie and Melissa said...

yay! snow!
how exciting! we have not had any here yet this season which is weird for colorado. we are envious!
m & e

Anonymous said...

You almost sound like a cat purring, though!

Clover said...

Yay, Bajas!! We have snow in Ottawa today too! (Maybe our countries are closer than we think?! Haha...) I also love snow.
Sending good thoughts to your mom. Hope she is able to concentrate to write her paper!
Love Clover xo

Unknown said...

Wow Bajas, were your little piggy toes cold in that snow? Anniebelly sends smoochies to her handsome dreamboat puggy.

Ruby Bleu said...

I'm so glad you are happy...I'm not sure I'd like snow...

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Duke said...

You're so lucky, Bajas! We wish it would snow here too!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Joe Stains said...

I am cold just looking at it buddy!!! brrrrr

Lorenza said...

Hi, Bajas!
You had snow! And you made yellow snow!
I hope you enjoy the snow. Looking at your pictures and video made me want to go under covers!
Kisses and hugs

Nevis said...

How pretty! I love snow, although it rarely ever snows here in Alabama.