So now Mom is "refreshing" the dificult math, i.e. math she's not actually heard about before at all. She had the choice of refreshing the easy math or the harder one, and chose the latter. Hopefully having heard about some of it will be a benefit later, but perhaps actually feeling there's something she remember might have been just as easy. It's really hard to say! At least she got to hear a couple of things about tropical math! It's the weirdest thing.. 2+3=3 and 2x3=5 (That's NOT what she's doing this week, though! But the guy who lecture did that stuff for his degree.)
Anyway.. I'm mostly sleeping this week and telling Mom to relax about the whole math thing!
Oh.. I have some more clues for you guys. Keep guessing!
First a picture clue:

(Did that help you any? Tee hee..)
And the second clue is that it's going to be something that'll keep me company when Mom is away.
Snores, Bajas
Math is hard!
I cannot figure out the new addition yet. Is it a new puppy?!
Matth is easy. One dead bunny plus one dead squirrellie equals nine happy Warburton Whippet!!
Is it an ultrasound tummy???
wags from the whippets
We wish your mommy luck with the Math!
And hmm... we believe we know what that is... but we'll let someone else get the guess if no one has already.
Have a great day!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
Bajas, your mom is being very tricky! Today, I think you may be getting another puggy playmate. You are a very sweet boy and any pup would be happy to be your playmate. I also have a question for mom, why are you going back to school? You may have told us, but what will you be studying? Thank you and hugs from Washington State puggies Charlie and Ollie
2+3=3? Is that new math? Mom wants to hear about but is glad she is not studying it. As for the hint, it's too dark to see, so we are sticking with our guess.
Roxy & Lucky
Hi, Bajas!
No, that is not a car!
Puppy! Puppy! It is a puppy!
Math?? Good luck to your Mom!
Kisses and hugs
LS said math is not her favourite subject. Gee, I'm clueless.
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