Hello guys!
Suddenly it's Monday again. It's just over 7am and Mom and I have already been out on our walkie.

It was quite dark when we started out. Well.. Not dark, but not sunny either. It was also rather muddy some places. It rained like crazy yesterday. BOL!

The sun came over the hill as we were walking, though!

We also saw some pretty flowers. Mom is rather impressed with the macro function on the phone. These are taken up CLOSE with the flowers moving in the morning breeze and Mom's unsteady hand. BOL!

Morning kisses,
Oh my!
What great pikhs!
You have a good mom to take you walkies at 7AM even when it is still a little dark out. Maybe I could come and stay with you.
What pretty flowers. We have never seen any that look like that. Did you roll in the mud? I probably would have rolled in the mud in the most unladylike way possible!
What pretty flowers. What a nice walk. How fun to see the sun rise. Sort of.
Sweet peas, Bajas? They are just beautiful!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Don't you just hate how fast Monday sneaks up on you?
Great Mom for taking you on cool morning walkies!
I think that your Mom's cellphone camera is fantastic the pics are just beautiful!
woo woos, Tessa
Hi Bajas! It looks like you had a great walk this morning! And the flower pics are great - we wouldn't have ever guessed they were done with a camera phone!
You gotta admit the micro function is purrty cool Bajas.. But where is the close up of your face?
Benny & Lily
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