Okay, guys! Have you missed me??? I finally got back and after some work on Mom's part (and some snoring on mine) we've finally gotten the pictures from my adventures online! They're all cell phone pictures so the quality isn't too good, but you'll get the picture (tee hee..).

PA picked me and Raff up Thursday night. It was nice sleeping in our old chair. Mom let PA have it, because we can't fit in in our tiny studio.

Friday afternoon we headed up to Hamar (by the lake) on the train. The pale blue in the top of the picture is PA's jeans. Then my head. Then his backpack. I was sitting asleep with my head on there. Nice and comfy. I haven't the faintest idea why the humans are laughing.
PS: Khyra and anyone else wondering - I'm not actually in the backpack - I'm sitting on the floor behind it using it to rest my head. But I would of course still fit.. but please don't tell anyone.
I met this guy - Aron - up there. PA's parent live above his flat there and they were dogsitting.

Once I'd shaken Stuffie 18 (the name of my current house stuffie over there) a bit I headed for the couch for some well deserved sleep.

Then I headed to the other end of the couch, got real tired and got some more sleep.

Whatcha mean I do nothing but sleep?

I help PA with his homework and watching movies and everything!!!

And I have some quality time with Stuffie 18, too!

Then we went back to Oslo Sunday night. Mom and PA had real different schedules on Monday, so in the end I didn't come back home until last night. After PA came home from school on Monday and we'd had our walk Raff and I headed for our chair. I gave PA my best puppy eyes but he STILL went for his Kali class.. Can you imagine??? Bah.. But we had great fun most of the time, but I must admit it was nice to come home to Mom and Virus!
Awww...Baja you're such a cutie pie!
My mom is jealous!
She would love to fit me in a bakhk pakhk!!
I'm glad woo enjoyed my walk with your breakfast Wednesday AM!
Welkhome Bakhk!
You sleepy head Bajas!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
Hi Bajas,
So glad you are happy and home with your mom and brother now. Sounds like you got all caught up on sleep!
Love Clover xo
I can't say anything about sleeping as that's what I've been doing in mom's lap lately.
Ha Ha. Glad everyone is back together.
hi bajas!
we missed you!
it looks like you had a great weekend!
m & e
nice to see you, bajas! it sounds like you boys had a nice weekend together. may i be nosey? who is PA? is that mom's boyfriend?
Sleeping is HARD WORK...when are hoomans going to realize that! So glad you had a nice visit with PA, but I'm glad you are back!!! I missed ya! Did Virus tell you all about his adventures???
Lots of Licks, Ruby
What alot of pawsome napping you had. :) Great that you get to spend quality time with your stuffie too.
~ Bae
Hi, Bajas!
I missed you!
Glad you had a good time and now you are happy at home!
Kisses and hugs
You barely had your eyes open at all! Sounds like a wonderful weekend to us!
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