20 November, 2008

Weekend of Waiting - part 4

I thought I'd share a few pix from our trip to Bergen.. There's some real pretty scenery when crossing the mountains.

It goes whizzing by! Little kitty asleep in Mom's lap..
Snow and fog..
Almost on the top!
The poor cell phone cam couldn't quite cope with all the white.. But I think it turned out rather pretty!


Remember all the pretty yarn? The greens were for a certain little project.. Wanna see?

I thought so..




Time for some felting!

Now there's the little Grass!

I'm a little weird, I know, but at least I think he's real cute! It's the Grass pattern from Mochimochi! And he won't be a dog nor cat toy.



NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

The green knitted toy OR the khytty?

Tank woo fur sharing the pikhs!

Things like that are just another reason this blogging thing is just soooooo freakin' khool!


Eduardo said...

Great pictures! I think thats a nice green bunny! Is it full of catnip?
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Clover said...

Those are great pictures! It is so beautiful there.
And I like your cute green guy!
Love Clover xo

Archie and Melissa said...

hi ane!
oh what a great post! i love all of your photos and the new felted creature is sooooo cute!
great job!

Ruby Bleu said...

Oh how fun!!!! The pix and the knitting...Mom is super impressed!

Lots of Licks, ruby

Unknown said...

Ane your little Green creation is super cute, how on earth will you keep it away from Bajas? *Annie blows kisses to Bajas from Texas...*
: )

Nevis said...

I thought for a few minutes you were making a bathing suit for Bajas!!! :)

Love the "Snow and fog" photo!

Puglette said...

Those are beautiful photos. You are so lucky to be able to bring Bajas and Virus on the train, and to be able to let them out to snuggle! Your knitted grass is sooo cute!! I will be trying felting soon, I can't wait!

Anonymous said...

Oh, that looks much too cold for us! Brrr!!! We need a cozy fire to snuggle in front of just looking at those photos!

Duke said...

We thought the felted toy was the front of a vest at first!
Great pictures, Bajas!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Bae Bae said...

What a pawsome looking trip you had. That knitted grass is cute. Does he have a name?

~ Bae

Lorenza said...

Hi, Virus!
Yes, it looks very cold for me too!
Not a cat or doy toy?? Looks fun to play with!
Kisses and hugs

Simba and Jazzi said...

Look at all that snow! I wouldn't mind playing in that for a while.

Simba x

The Devil Dog said...

Wow, those photos are great. Momloved the whizzing by one. What a neat animal your mom knit. We hope you two leave it alone.
