03 November, 2008

MomDay Cooking - vegetable soup

This is what I just had for dinner - warm and filling vegetable soup. It's very simple to make, healthy and cheap so there's really no excuse not to make this one. ;)

You need

ca 1/2 litre of (soup) stock (there's no exact measurements here so don't get stressed by me being metric)
1 potato
1 carrot
1 small wedge of cabbage
1 slice of swede/rutabaga
1 dl corn
a little (frozen) spinach
1 dl bulgur wheat (this is optional, but sooo good)

This is for the soup I made today.. I like root vegetables and stuff that stay pretty firm as I'll be reheating this once or twice at least. If you're cooking for a family and will be eating all at once broccoli, cauliflower etc would be great too - and generally I'd just say you could use any vegetable you like!
I use a soup stock cube - I generally use that all the time that I need stock (I don't have space to make my own and we don't get cans of stock like I know many of you can buy so that's my best option). The important thing is that it's not too salty - you'll be eating it later..

The cabbage is chopped up and left with the frozen corn and spinach until the soup is almost done.
I start out with the stuff that take the longest time to cook - in other words the bulgur wheat and the diced potato. Then carrot, swede and after 10-15 minutes I add the cabbage, corn and spinach.

Cook until the bulgur wheat and the potatoes are soft. I like a bit of crunch to the rest of the vegetables the first time - as I mentioned I'll be reheating this and then it'll be all soft anyways.

Fill up your bowl and enjoy! This is a very filling soup, and I'm always impressed how tasty the broth becomes when all the vegetables are cooked in it.


Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

I saw my mom heading out to the grocery store after she had read your recipe, oh , I can't wait!
Please post more recipes, yum!

Eduardo said...

OMD! My Mommy says you sould make a cookbook! you post great recipes!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Three Pugsketeers said...

Yuuuuummy! Is it lunchtime yet? ;)

Ruby Bleu said...

My Mom loves soup...I think she's going to have to try this one!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Puglette said...

Yum! I love vegetable soup. I really is so easy and you can use what ever you have in the cupboard or refrigerator. I think I need to make this soon.

Archie and Melissa said...


i love all of your recipes. we are going to make this for dinner!

Joe Stains said...

Looks delicious! Mom is home sick today, I wish I could make this for her!

The Devil Dog said...

Mom is got chicken soup starting as we speak. She has got the whole chicken in there with potatos, opnions, carrots and broccoli.


Duke said...

Your soup looks absolutely delicious, Bajas! Dad made chicken soup this past weekend and it was good too!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Lorenza said...

That soup looks delicious!
thanks for sharing it!
Kisses and hugs