18 November, 2008

Collar sale!

I'm sure lots of you have allready seen it! The Whippet Waggle's servant, Patience, is having a sale! And a brand new collar blog(pretty impressive for the lady that wouldn't ever have a blog)! You find it here: http://dogwalkerscollars.blogspot.com/! I allready have a few of her GREAT collars around here and can really recommend them. Please drop by and have a look! (I really can't justify getting any, you see, so I need to try to make sure they're all sold real fast.. )



Dandy Duke said...

We LOVE Patience's collars! We have several of them! They're just beautiful and so well made!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Bae Bae said...

The collars look pawsome. I wish I can wear one too

~ Bae

Puddleglum said...

OMD! Must get some of those. Especially love the Celtic love knot and the wine collar!

Lorenza said...

Patience makes pawesome collars!
Kisses and hugs