31 January, 2011

Seedy... Monday?

This was going to be a "Seedy Sunday" post, but a weekend at work got me a little delayed.. But:

Yahoo! My first seed packs arrived today. These arrived from a site in Sweden - Rara Växter.

Bonus seeds - a frilly sort of poppy, Papaver laciniatum "Venus".I'm not very into double/frilly flowers, but these are actually rather cute.

So to the stuff I've actually ordered - 3 kinds of chilis and some cherry tomatoes.

These are "Filius Blue"
"Napalese Bells"
"Lemon Drops"
I might not manage to grow (all) the chilis, but it's fun to try something a little different. And if I do manage they're pretty cool looking. I'll also be growing/trying to grow jalapenos.

So to the tomatoes - these are called "Houndreds and Thousands" and have popped up in several kinds of taste tests and have been mentioned as favorites on several blogs and websites I've visited, so why not try them?!
My order from the Real Seed Catalogue have arrived, too, but I haven't been down at the post office to pick them up yet. They only use insured registred post, so I have to go down to the post office to sign for it.

So.. now I'm dreaming of a mini greenhouse with lighting to give me a chance to actually get some live plants this summer. My birthday is coming up, so perhaps I can wish for donations for one of these. Might work well to grow micro greens and keep herbs alive in winter, too!

The boys, on the other hand, prefer to sleep. They might actually change their mind once they have a yard of their own, though!



Minnie Moo said...

Good luck with all those seeds! I agree with the boys, looks like nap time to me!


Minnie Moo

Asta said...

I think it's still too cold fow us fuwwkids to get enthoosed about seeds, but I'm suwe Bajas and the kittehs will get vewy happy once they see the wesults. Mentime, Stay wawm and west
smoochie kisses

Two French Bulldogs said...

Good luck with your seeds. It sure sounds exciting. Can't wait to see what you will get for your birthday
Benny & Lily

Kari in Alaska said...

best of luck with the garden!


Duke said...

Dad loves when his seeds arrive too. It gets him all anxious to plant and see green sprouts. Mom's most favorite plants are poppies. What a pretty poppy that is! We can't wait to see it blooming in your yard!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Dexter said...

Sleeping in the winter is a good idea even if you do have a yard.


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

What khool selekhtions!


Anonymous said...

We've got the seed catalogs out, too. There are six inches of snow on the ground now, but we're ready for Spring to come! It will mostly be vegetables for us -- and we're hoping this is the year we put in some dwarf fruit trees, too...
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dog beds and more