22 February, 2010

Show us your toothbrush!

Our buddy Brutus reminded everydoggie that February is National Pet Dental Health Month. Now we're not in the right nation (well, technically you're all in the wrong ones and we're in the right one) so it's no wonder we hadn't heard of it, but we're always happy to embrace a good cause!

Mom brushes our toofies every day. Well - because we usually do it every day we don't bother to fuss if there's a day or two we don't get it done - but every day is the general rule. Being a senior dog now (in years, but not at heart) I've had a couple of toofies removed last fall, but generally I've been known for my fresh breath and kisses. We think it's very important to brush and also to get the toofies checked properly by a vet, especially when you're an older dog. Very, very many dogs have painful teeth and gums and most go unnoticed, unfortunately.

So now we encourage you all - show us your toothbrush! BOL!

We've actually showed you our tooth brush cup before - still cute, right? The baby brush is for the kitties, the middle one is mine and the last one is Mom's. She keeps our toothbrushes together. Seriously.

Here's a close-up of the baby brush - it's actually the one that works the best on tiny kitty teeth. And thankfully we're all macho enough to pull off pink toothbrushes. The cup is the only thing that clashes with mom's pink bathroom - it's just too cool to leave out.

This is our enzyme paste that we use for brushing and then as a treat for being good and having our toofies brushed. Mom uses minty tooth paste for some reason. I love mint but Mom says it's not good for me and this is yummy so I won't complain.

Oh - and we want to say



BRUTUS said...

BRAVO!! Love the little cup! Guess my mom really started something by doing that post last Friday. You are the third pal to pass it on!!

Two French Bulldogs said...

Yep...we posted about our pearly wjites too!! Happy brushing
Benny & Lily

Dexter said...

Oh dear, momma bought us a toothbrush. It is still in the package...


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Mom vows she is going to get the little one brushing right away. The boys aren't terribly cooperative.

Woos, Phantom, Thunder,and Ciara

Miss Lizzy said...

Very cute! We observe pet dental care in the Rose Juggler household, tho GK had to have all his teeth save one removed several years ago due to severe gum disease. Evidently some cats are prone to, even with regular dental care.

Kari in Alaska said...

Those are some cute tooth brushes!

Unknown said...

Bajas, say HUH. Wow, nice breath.

Duke said...

We love your red Jiminy Cricket cup! It's so cute!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Daisy said...

You got cute toothbrushes! We have been using PetzLife oral gel that my Mommeh applies with a Q-tip. It's not too bad!