22 February, 2010


Seems some thieves are more sensible than others - got this comment to the previous post this morning. Great to wake up to some good news for a change!

Sheila said...

Claire has posted on facebook that all the dogs have been found and are at the SPCA in Montreal for the night. It seems they were left tied up in a park, for which everyone is grateful.


Duke said...

Thank doG they were found! We are praying for the same thing for the Whippet pups!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Forever Foster said...

Oh thank goodness! What a relief that must be for everyone involved.

Dexter said...

Oh what a relief! Now we just have to get those whippets back. Momma always locks the car when I am in it and if it is too hot to leave me in the car locked up she just makes me stay at home. Better safe than sorry I suppose.


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Thanks fur the great news!


BRUTUS said...

What great news! So nice to hear that the story had a happy ending after all!

Brutus the Frenchie

Smushie Ranch said...

That is such a huge relief! Well, they may be thieves, but at least they had enough sense to not harm the dogs. Thank goodness for small favors...

Dutch the Pug said...

What a relief..were they in okay condidtion?

Two French Bulldogs said...

Yea...good news. Hope they got all those thieves!
Benny & Lily

Unknown said...


The Oceanside Animals said...
