Then we went home - but Bajas was so excited so he stayed behind! Then Mom told me that they're taking out the last of his potentially bad toofies. The vet said this kind of problems in teeth are painful to 8 of 10 hoomans so they might not bother him, but we're taking them out just in case.
His teeth are hard to spot in the first place - I'm sure he won't miss them.
I hope he's back soon, it's a bit boring here without anyone to annoy.
You be nice to Bajas when he gets home. He might be kind of grouchy.
Maybe he will need to eat some ice cream to make him feel better
Oh, poor Bajas! Hope e feels better without the bad toofers, though. My momma is a dentist and said she would make Bajas a doggy denture or some shiny gold crowns if he needs them!!
Brutus the Frenchie
We hope you teefs come out easy! I only gots 5 teefs left and got some advice for you...soft food is yummy!
hi virus!
oh you are such a good brother! i know you will make him smile with his new grin!
we did that for emmitt several years ago and it was a very good thing!
m & e
Poking you with needles is definately not polite. We hope Bajas feels all better soon!:)
Naked in the bath with the Mango? That is one funny image. I am not sure there is a tub big enough (but I do really enjoy spa days and I run into the tub as soon as I see it and start howling for them to turn on the water).
Thanks for stoppin by our blog to comment about the faucet cat, HahaMeow. We came to visit you and read back to learn about your arrival and the doggies who came before. We love your action shots--you almost look like a little pony!
Poor Bajas!! I hope they his toofers all taken care of. It's not fun to be in pain. We hope he feels all better after this!!
He should save it and see if the tooth fairy brings him a special treat.
We hope that Bajas won't miss any of those teeth!
Hurry bakhk Bajas!
Hope you feel better soon, bajas.
Lots of Licks--
Oak and Swish
I agree with Gail, I hope you saved it for the tooth fairy!
Hi Virus! poor little Bajas, I hope it didn't hurt! hey, another tooth removed is no excuse for you to eat his treats, he still will be able to chew!!
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