03 January, 2010

Let it snow...

It's a good thing we've got plenty of pix to show from our holiday trip 'cause we're not doing much to photograph lately. Just lots of snuggling and couch time!

Like for many of you we got loads of snow on Christmas Eve/Day and these pix were taken on the morning of the 26th, when it was just starting to clear up!

Can you see grandpa's kayak?

Notice how I drape my tail? hehehe...

Did anyone say DINNER?


PeeEss: Mango asked about the Airedale mentioned in our post yesterday and we've got new friends, too, since we last wrote about Tara so we thought we'd give you the link in case you wanted to see her: http://wrigglebutts.blogspot.com/2009/06/elminas-otara-64-1995-64-2008.html She's been on the blog every once in a while. Mom grew up with terriers - Irish and Airedale. Tara was her canine sissy and the only child living at home by the time Mom's parents split up and so of course they had shared custody of her and she spent some time with grandpa and some with grandma, but they were both there when she had to be PTS (of course).
She had grown old and grumpy by the time I came along and didn't want to hang out no matter how much I loved her. Mom said she had been just like me once, when she was a puppy and HER auntie Terrie (Irish terrier) didn't want nothing to do with HER. Hehe.. I'm having a hard time believing I'll become a grumpy old man, but perhaps it could happen??

Since I've already written more than planned - here's a picture of her in her youth. Pretty, huh? She was also the mom of two litter of beautiful pups, two of which I have met as they lived close to places I've lived (two different locations, one per pup hehe).



Salinger The Pug said...

WOW...what pretty pictures!!! That snow looks like frosting dumped all over the yard!

Bajas, you are TOO adorable in your Santa Puggy outfit!!!

Have fun snuggling!


Patience-please said...

You are quite stunning in your red hoodie! The snow is beautiful, but we wish it would warm up for you.

wags from the whippets

Kari in Alaska said...

Isn't fresh snow just beautiful? We don't miss it much after leaving Alaska but the pics still make me smile.

Lorenza said...

Hi, Bajas!
It looked all white!
We have here 10°C and it feels soooo cold!
Kisses and hugs

Archie and Melissa said...

happy happy new year to all of you!

what wonderful photos!

m & e

Duke said...

Tara was a real beauty!
And all of those snow picture with you in them are beauties too, Bajas!
Mom joined the K9 Kidney list about a week ago. It's a great list with a lot of very useful info but also a sad list because some doggies are very sick and dying.

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Tara is a beautiful girl - just gorgeous. And you look pretty neat in your red hoodie too, Bajas.

Woos, Phantom and Thunder

Two French Bulldogs said...

Bajas we love your snow pictures. You look so adorable in your Santa paws jacket..
Have fun and stay snuggly warm
Benny & Lily

Dog Clothing said...

Wow, I love your pictures all dressed up in your santa suit. Hopefully it kept you warm with all the snow!


Smushie Ranch said...

That's a ton of snow! And we couldn't see the kayak. Hmmmm. Stay warm cuties!

Stella, Gunther & Betty

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Are woo really a SNOW DOG like ME?

Tank woo fur sharing your great pikhs!

And fur introducing others to Tara!
