04 June, 2009

Elminas O'Tara 6/4 1995 - 6/4 2008

Tara, our family dog, was PTS today at her 14th birthday. She's been "old" lately, stumbling and having lost almost all her sight.. And apparently she had a stroke or something today and lost all control of her hindquarters.

Rest in peace sweet Tara. Bajas' "uncle" (long story..) and our favourite "rotte" (rat.. lol..).
Hot dog?
Her spot to watch when she was home alone. She wasn't allowed up on furniture, but we all knew she was up there as soon as we left. We saw her - but if not we'd still know from all the snart on the window. ;)



NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

What a beaWOOtiful girl!

She's made my mom all leaky eyed...

Run free akhross The Rainbow Bridge and feel free to sit on all the FURniture woo want!

Tank woo fur sharing this with us!

Hugz&Khysses to your entire furamily!

Khyra and Phyll

Daisy said...

I am very sorry to learn the sad news about Tara. Soft purrs to you during this sad time.

Puglette said...

i am so sorry to hear of your family dog's passing. i can see she was very loved.

meemsnyc said...

We are so sorry to hear about your loss. Big purrs to you.

GAIL said...

So sorry for your loss. It looks like she had a very nice life though.

Archie and Melissa said...

hi ane
oh i am so sorry for your loss. she was beautiful.

we are thinking of all of you and sending you big hugs!

m & e

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

So very sorry to hear about Tara - we didn't know her but she sure was a pretty girl.

Hugs, the OP Pack

The Devil Dog said...

We are very sorry about Tara. We will send you lots of pug snorts and warm thoughts.

Roxy & Lucky

Sandra y Coco Pug said...

Oh I am so sorry for your loss. He was a cute doggie :'(
lots of love for you and your family from us.

Duke said...

Our hearts are breaking! What a beauty Tara was! Our thoughts and prayers go out to you!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Joe Stains said...

We are very sorry to hear about that. Our thoughts are with you.

Forever Foster said...

We are sorry that Tara had to cross the Bridge. She sure is a beautiful girl, and sounds like a lovely one too.

There are a bunch of pesky little kittens up there waiting to meet her, we're sure:)
