23 December, 2008

Christmas traditions - Risgrøt

So.. In Norway there's this tradition of making rice porridge - risgrøt - around Christmas. We have it for dinner (! I'm sure lots of you find that weird ;) ) all through the year really - usually on Saturdays - but it's something special for Christmas. Traditionally people on the farms all around Norway would make a bowl for the "nisse" for Christmas so he'd be happy. Many still do! We have a rice-porridge based dessert after Christmas dinner in my family (my favourite!) and so do very many other Norwegians on Christmas Eve. Usually you make a big batch on December 23rd, have it for supper and then use the rest to make dessert!

I won't be making dessert around here, but I made some today! Yum!

300 ml water
150 ml short grain rice
700 ml whole milk
1tsp vanilla sugar
pinch of salt

First you bring the water to the boil along with the rice and let it simmer until the water is absorbed. Add the milk and simmer at minimum heat for 40-60 minutes until the porridge is just pourable in consistency - it should not be stiff/lumpy but not watery either. Stir in salt and vanilla. Traditionally it's served with a sprinkling og cinnamon and sugar and a little knob of butter in the middle.

Look -a "nisse"gang is preparing for Christmas on the milk carton.

Boiling my porridge!
All done! I eat my "risgrøt" with sugar only.. I'm generally a bit weird, so I don't do it the regular way.. He he.. But it should preferably be served with a red, berry-flavoured drink (and I really mean something actuallly made of fruit...).

And Bajas get to lick the bowl. He always does, so he knows when I'm having this.. LOL!



NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I think I'd help khlean up too!


The Devil Dog said...

That looks interesting. Mom had rice pudding a long time ago, she wonders if it is similiar. She liked it, but couldn't tell you how to make it.


Archie and Melissa said...

hi ane!
yummy! what wonderful tradition!

meemsnyc said...

That looks delicious. What a great tradition.

Lorenza said...

Hi, friends!
We call it Arroz con Leche and its delicious!
Thanks to your post my mom wants to make it now!
Kisses and hugs

Forever Foster said...

Bajas, you lucky pug!:)

Puglette said...

that looks yummy! so warm on the tummy. thank you for sharing your traditions! my family came from denmark, sweden and finland. it's very nice sharing with you!

Duke said...

This looks so yummy! Our mom adores rice pudding!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Unknown said...

That does look delish! Howie and Annie would be glad to help Bajas clean up that bowl for you!
happy holidays from chilly Texas

Dexter said...

Mmmmm.. porridge. Do you put butter on it too? Nice to have a built in dishwasher pug.


Eduardo said...

My Mommy may try that! Thanks for posting!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
p.s. My Mommy wants to know if y'all sprinkle cinnomin on top, she wonders if she had it before with cinnomin sprinkled on top.

Patience-please said...

The servant is drooling all over the place!!!

Happy daze and merry ways to youoooooooo!!!

wags from the whippets