19 December, 2007

Coco the Birthday Girl!

Happy NINTH birthday, Coco!

Sweet cuddlebug
Here at age 5
Tongue extraordinaire!
Shaking her heart tag last summer.
Just looking plain cute!

I can't believe you've already been here with me and your son for over 4 years! Time flies by and you don't look any older - or act any older at all.
I promise to get you something special for later, sweetie!

Hugs, Mom!


Duke said...

You and I are the same age! Happy 9th birthday! We don't get older, we get better,right! We hope you get lots of treats and pressies!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Hammer said...

Dear Coco
We wish you a very HAPPY BARKDAY and we know you will have a wonderful day with your mum.
Love from Hammer

Girasol said...

Hey Coco,
Feliz Cumpleaños/Happy Birthday...have a great day and enjoy the surprise that mom have for you!

Patience-please said...

Happy happy birthday little shmush-face sweetie!!! May you have many many delectable deliciousnesses on your very special day, and may your nose grow long and pointy!

the whippet waggle

Daisy said...

Happy, happy, happy Birthday, Coco! I hope you have the most wonderful day, ever.

Balboa said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY COCO!!!!! Have a wonderful day filled with lots of hugs and treats.

Frenchie Birthday Snorts

Archie and Melissa said...

Happy Birthday Coco! You are a beautiful girl! I love your pictures! Have an extra special puggy day!
Emmitt and Melissa

Manda Girl said...

Happy Birthday!!! And Many Many more

Kisses from Meimei and Miko

Crikit, Sparky, Ginger! said...

Coco bebe happy 9th barkday! Enjoy lots of treats!

Love Licks, wags & barking loud just for you pal

Ruby Bleu said...

Happy Barkday Coco!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Lacy said...

woofies Coco!!!! me hopies u havin a pawsome barkday, wiff many pressies and tweats...may u has many, many more barkdays!!!

b safe,

Lorenza said...

Happy Birthday Coco!
I hope you had a great day with all your family.
Tell us about the surprise your mom had for you, ok?
Kisses and hugs!

The Devil Dog said...

Coco is so cute, but then all black pugs are.


i said...

Happy Birthday Coco! You don't age at all!

Freda said...

Nice to meets you, Coco. HAPPYS BARKDAY!! Hopes you had a greats day and got lots of treats. We can tells you got lots of lovin'!


Freda (Ƨ)

P.S. I twitters at http://twitter.com/DeltaBunny if you want to check it outs. There are other DWB dogs there.

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, COCO!!! You little cutie!!!

dog face girls said...

Dear Coco,

Happy belated birthday.



Stanley said...

Bootiful Coco!!!

Happy Belated Birthday, girl!!
You don't look a day over 2. How do you stay so young?

I'm so glad you were born, and that you adopted your mama so you could live with her and your son and Nimbus, and so we could meet! Hope you get something extra special from your mama.

LOVE your tongue!

Goober love & birthday smooches,