This is our buddy Fenris. A few years back we shared an apt with him and his mom, our bestest Auntie Lene. Then they moved to a city Far Far Away. That makes us really sad. But that's not really the point. He just became a big brother to a tiny human puppy. And this week Lene and puppy Leah came down south and we got to take her for walkies!

This is Auntie Lene and Fenris' son, Morris, who live with them too(before the puppy hatched). We haven't met Morris yet, because they live so Far Far Away. Mom have, though. Rather unfair in our opinion.

Anyway - we got to take puppy Leah for walkies yesterday. They came down on a plane, so the doggies didn't come, they're home with their daddy. Thus we just made sure Auntie Lene and puppy Leah got sufficient protection. Here's a few pictures Mom took. The poor puppy was rather tired.

Oh so very, very sleepy...

Then they put her into this terrifying, rolling crate. Mom and Auntie Lene and the pugs didn't seem the slightest bit worried. This meant I had to worry for all of us. Let's just say I was rather worried. I love puppy humans. I'm not too fond of puppy dogs, they thend to be just as scary as the big thing. But puppy humans are less scary than big humans. Mom find this rather surprising... But I just want to inform you that they grow out of the not-dangarous-age rather quickly. So spend your time well. Anyways...
We walked into the dark and cold, but I kept watch. I saved her from kids playing soccer, two dogs and a couple of joggers. I constantly kept an eye on the Evil Rolling Crate and it didn't dare to complete it's Evil Plot and run away with puppy Leah.
I'm also posting a picture of my cute puppy self and the human puppy my breeder had. Mom thinks it's supercute, but since it's not her picture she's posting the link rather than posting it here. It's nothing scary so please go look - I was supercute! We're working together to figure out how the world works.
Me and Nic - pictureHelicoptertails,
Nimbus, you are so right about the Evil Rolling Monster! Those devils run right over innocent whippet tails and owie!!!
What an adorable, beautiful baby human! Great job of keeping her safe from harm!
the whippet waggle
You are still very cute, but that photo of you with the hooman pup is too MUCH!
Good thing you were there to watch out for Lene's pup. I'm sure her visit was a safer one because of you.
Goober love,
Nimbus! What an adorable puppy picture of you!!!
And the human puppy is very cute too - good work on looking after her!
I met a human puppy once, and I got to ride in the back of the rolling crate! It was great!
Love Clover xo
Hi, Nimbus
Leah is soooo cute! Good job protecting her!
I like your puppy picture! You were/are super cute too!
Have a good night
Oh the puppy hooman sure looks cute. You're pawsome to help look after her
~ Girl girl
That is a vewy cute hooman puppy, but i think you wewe even cutew, and I think you should be able to see the doggie puppy too!
Thewe awe a lot of hooman pups hewe whewe I live, and I like to make them giggle
smoochie kisses
What a cute human pup!! good job on protecting her from the evil crate!!
Awww....cute cute cute!
And thanks fur the comment on our pages! We sure love going to the park!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
That is one seriously cute human puppy!!
Nimbus, you are so cute! And so is the human puppy!
I stay well away from those things on wheels, they could squash a Simba. That human puppy looks very well trained.
Simba xx
My parents tried to put me in one of those rolling monsters!!!Sacry!
Dear Nimbus,
We applaud your efforts. And the new pup, well, simply georgous.
Paws up,
Skeezix, Buster and Nearly
Cute pictures! Emmitt says he loves human babies too. They make fun noises, smile lots at him and give him cheerios all the time! They just rain down from the baby strollers. Too fun!
Emmitt and Melissa
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