This is Herbie. He's Aunties kitty and he's a pretty cool guy. He's completely deaf, like some white kitties are, so he's been bullied a lot by other kitties. He came in to the cat rescue centre where Auntie used to volunteer (before she got pregnant) and she fell in love with him.

The reason for him putting on his not-happy-at-all face was that Mom came by with Virus hoping that the two would learn to get along. Herbie got very scared and screamed a LOT! That made Virus a little scairt, too!

But he did some cuddling with auntie.

That was kinda nice!

And he got to meet Harald, too - he still volunteers at the "Cat House" shelter.

Herbie was very curious, though, and kept approaching Virus. They were both a bit scairt when this picture was taken, but Virus smily-blinked at Herbie and he went away again. They had several more encounters and then Mom took Virus home. Guess who was tired for a little while? That was pretty nice.. Tee hee... And they're gonna do this thing again. The good thing was that Virus totally respected Herbie when he was doing growlyfaces at him. That was apparently a first for poor H. He's used to kitties always attacking him and being mean. But hopefully he'll learn that big eared, curly ones are okay. At least if they're called Virus.