So.. Finally time to properly introduce myself! My registred name is Marbleize Caesarean Marvel, but I'm usually refered to as "Nimbus".. Or stiLk (sort of resembling the noun "stalk" as I'm rather slender compared to the pugs).

This is me and my littermates - my brothers Zorro and Tim.

And these are the puppy eyes that completely wrapped my Mom around my tiny little paw. Cute, huh? I'm 5 weeks old.

It's not that I'm bragging about my medal or anything.. ROFL.. I went BOB and also had a couple of group placements as a puppy.

I love my brother.. He's good for wrestling and all sorts of stuff, but most importently is the curling up into one big furball on the couch. They are great heaters, pugs, I can recommend them to any Whippet out there! Rather.. ahem.. well padded, too.. so they're comfy to sleep on!

Here I'm having a bath. I'm not particulary fond of water, though. Mom have no idea why I decided that the one time to go swimming volountarly for the first time was January 15th.. It was a bit of snow and ice outside, but then the water didn't seem as cold as in summer. Really!!

I've never really figured out why Whippies aren't supposed to like the snow. I love snow.. You can run and be silly in snow. And short-legged pugs are even slower in snow. If it's really cold and I have to stand still Mom make me wear a coat. I hate coats.. They're horrible. I prefer to be naked.. I hate harnesses too.. Anything to wear isn't a good idea in my opinion. Blankets excluded, of course! I love blankets!!!

And I just wanted to point out that I'm fully capable of sticking my tongue out just like the pugs. Hah!

I've got my Lure Coursing lisence, but my no good human haven't taken me for any practices or trials for a long time.. Sniff...

I've just tried a tiny bit of agility. It's great fun, but there's always so many other dogs there. :( I don't like other dogs too much. I never have. But once I get to know everydoggie (and humans too) they generally turn out to be much nicer than expected!

I love to run.. Did I mention that? Mom love my flapping-in-the-wind ears.. Here I'm running on one of my favourite beaches. The very same where I went for the swim, actually!
Hope you've enjoyed my pictures. I might be the last one to get to write my presentation, but that's just because the pugs wanted to be first to avoid the embaressment of being so obviously less cute and funny than me!
Hugs (yes, I *do* give proper hugs!) and kisses, Nimbus.