25 February, 2010

Speaking of the pants...

Do you think I would do well on the curling team? We think the pants are fun, but more than anything we think all the crazy attention they've gotten is funny!

We think they're a really great team, and that it's quite impressive that they're the only team that are true amateurs and even the crazy pants are bought with their own money from their full time jobs rather than by sponsors.



Amy & the house of cats said...

I had no idea that the pants weren't bought by sponsors - that is so cool! And we think that it would be tough for you on the team,what with no thumbs and everything, but that you would be very handsome in the pants!

Puglette said...

bajas, you need to ask punchy to make you some pajamas in that fabric! you look adorable in those colors. of course, you are always adorable!

Kari in Alaska said...

I think you would be awesome on the team!

Unknown said...

Okay, what I said in my last comment, not so much BOL At least you didn't have to actually wear that!

Stubby said...

Hi Bajas! You look absolutely dapper in those pants. I think you should be on the curling team.

The US didn't do so good in curling so we have been watching the other teams.

Stubby xoxo

Dexter said...

I just got an image of them using little round pugs as curling stones. I think you better stick to the couch.


Duke said...

Those pants are YOU, Bajas!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Lene said...

Hahahaha, my tummy hurts from all the laughing. You go B-Jazz.
Thats aunties little boy ;)

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Woo SOOOOO wear 'em well!


Stella said...

Bajas, I think you need to come to Minniesnowda and explain curling to me. I just don't get it!


Lorenza said...

You look great, Bajas!
Good luck!
Kisses and hugs