09 December, 2008

Christmas pix

Mom's been making us pose for pix (remember the eye incident...) and since we've just finished up our card we thought we'd share some more pix with you all! You'll get to see the card closer to the big day!

Notice one very handsome, patient and photogenic puggie, and one silly cat.


The Devil Dog said...

Those are very cute photos. Mom loves the hat on you, Bajas.


Lorenza said...

Hi, Bajas!
You need to teach Virus the fine art of modeling!
Kisses and hugs

Simba and Jazzi said...

Looks like you had a fun weekend.

Simba x

Forever Foster said...

Bajas you are a very good pug, sitting so still for your mum. Virus on the other hand... you'll get better with practice:)

Ronin_The_Pug said...

Oh Bajas! You are so good, and you stay so calm! A real artist! I act like Virus...

Daisy said...

Virus might be a little too young to sit still and model!

Puglette said...

Bajas, you are very handsome and patient! And kitties, well they are curious!!

Archie and Melissa said...

hi bajas!
what a good puggy you are! all of the photos made me smile!

Chef said...

OH BAJAS! How'd you get to be so cute? Great pix.


Duke said...

Hoomans are so fussy about getting exactly the right pose! We love your pictures just like they are, Bajas and Virus!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Nevis said...

Ah! How adorable!

Joe Stains said...

At least you are kinda looking the right way, Virus is a mess!