06 November, 2008

Sleepy Thursday

Hi guys! Virus here! We stayed up to 5AM yesterday... so after that we've sorta just been...



Oh - and CONGRATULATION to all Americans with your new president. Bajas and I are, obviously, especially proud as he's black - like us! It's our very favourite colour! Mom seemed very happy. I suppose most foreigners are. Allthough Mom said something about many being a bit naive and expecting all to be cozy from now on. He won't just be the world's nice big brother. But it sure will be an improvement, and definately the best choice for foreign politics!

Sleepy purrs,


Archie and Melissa said...

good morning!
we are so happy you got caught up on your sleep!
emmitt and i are so excited about our new president!
:) m & e

Puglette said...

shhh..be very quiet, everyone is sleeping.
Hugging softly,

Daisy said...

Oh, Virus, look at your cute little sleeping face!

We are very excited about the new president-elect, too.

Duke said...

Wow! You were going to bed just as we were getting up!
We're very happy about our President-elect too!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

If it khouldn't be Turbo and me, Obama and Biden will surely do furry furry well!


Dexter said...

Why are you staying up so late? You guys must be totally wiped out. Hope you can get enough rest to be back in action soon.


The Devil Dog said...

Hi, we're not surprised you're tired. Napping sounds good right about now. Mom and everyone she knows are thrilled about President Elect Obama. The cowboy showdowns and testosterone will take a back seat to intelligent discussion. Thank goodness, a president with a real brain that's not afraid to use it.


Lorenza said...

Hi, Bajas and Virus!
I had a lazy day too!
We wish the best to them with their new President!
My mom says he is cool!
Kisses and hugs

CoCo said...

I'm glad all this politic mess is over,...or has it just started?
