11 August, 2011

Puppy adventures

Hi guys!

Mom and I did something really exciting yesterday! It had been av very miserable day - 9 degrees C and rain, rain and more rain. But come evening the rain stopped and Mom let me jump into my car crate. I love jumping into my car crate! Then we stopped and took a nice little walkie in a park I haven't been to before. And then - suddenly I saw this:

Can you believe it? All those staffies!

They did some ring craft stuff and some obedience and agility, too! I didn't really join in, because Mom said I needed to learn to relax and be calm around other doggies and people. But I got to talk to several of the humans and a couple of the dogs.

That cute red and white girl is called Nayeli and we had a great time playing together! Looks like I'll make even more friends in the future. It's so much fun having other dogs to play with. And we did some work, too. Mom is getting really good at clicking that clicky-thing and giving me nommies. I'll have her properly trained in no time!


Kari in Alaska said...

bullies are the best!!!!!!!!!!


Asta said...

How wondewful to find all those gweat new fwiends. They all look soopew nice
Twaining hoomans isn't so easy..I congwatoolate you on youw pwogwess wif youw Mom
smoochie kisses

Dandy Duke said...

What a fun day for you, Gummi! We hope you get to go back there LOTS!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch