23 June, 2011


What? What do you mean "Did you try to eat a slug and get all sticky"? Of course I didn't. What makes you ask such silly questions?


Duke said...

We see sluggieslime all over your upper lippie, Gummi! haha

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Ewwwww, how could you DO that?

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Brutus, Ellie, Pippa and Otto said...

Gummi, you are just too cute!!

Pugs & Kisses,

Yoda, Brutus & Ellie

Anonymous said...

I'm so horrible! I've been gone for so long I missed your new brudder, the move and everything!! Please forgive me bajas!!

Oh, and mom said a tip for the hip dysplasia is the supplement Ester C. I don't know if you guys have it over there, but Dunc gets it and it helps tremendously! There's even some studies on the preventative and after effect of it, so I get it too!

Anna the GSD (I have to comment annoymouse cause blogger is being a butt! GRR!)

Kari in Alaska said...

Um telling a lie is bad!


Noodles said...

EEEEEEWWWWW!!!! A slug? Really??? I got the shivers and shakes just thinking of it. When I see a slug, I run the other way.
Love Noodles

Two French Bulldogs said...

we don't see nothin
Benny & Lily

Lorenza said...

Hmmm.... yes.... silly questions!
You are adorable Gummi!
Kisses and hugs

Asta said...

ummm, I think that sluggieslime is sowt of a giveaway..Maybe you should cawwy a nice cotton hankie in youw pocket to wipe youw lip
smoochie kisses

Peppy Sheppys said...

Well I never! How dare they accuse you! BOL!

Sheps w/Pep, Otis & Edgrr