02 June, 2011


We are on the move and will mostly be off line for a while. We're e-mailing this from mom's phone. Don't know how soon we'll have Internet in the new house. As you can see we brought all the plants along. And I got into the kitty wheely crate to make sure I wasn't forgotten.

Kisses, Bajas.


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Good luck with the move - hope all goes smoothly.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Kari in Alaska said...

we hope the move goes well


Two French Bulldogs said...

good luck and see ya soon
Benny & Lily

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Have a safe move, guys!!!

Duke said...

Have a safe trip, Bajas! We can't wait to hear all about your move!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Dexter said...

We'll miss you! Can't wait to see your new estate.


Daisy said...

We wish you a safe and easy move!