Okay - so we're home from the second day of the cat show. Since only Hyssing came along today it meant a whole lot less stress for me. He wasn't all too comfortable staying alone in his crate initially and it was quite chilly in the arena so I took him with me and we sat and watched all the cats being judged by the judge he was going to have later. I figured it would be good for him to get used to the place and it worked so well! By the time it was his turn he was so relaxed and content that it was all a joy!

In my lap, watching everything going on.

When this young British Shorthair came on the table it was almost our turn.

The truly charming judge, Mr. Karl Preiss (Austria), was so impressed by Hyssing's harness that he said I was not to take it off for the judging - and then went on to go show him off! In the picture you can see him returning.

They had a nice little chat and he said some nice things about Hyssing, who became Excellent 1 again. The only thing he had to say on the negative side is of course his furs, but they should grow in eventually just like with Virus. And he made a point of saying that the furs on his legs are excellent.
After the judgings were over he came over and chatted a little and mentioned especially what a wonderful temperament Hyssing has and how nicely socialized he was and that he'd watched him in the crowd all day and that he was truly happy and balanced. I'm sure you can imagine how nice that is to hear!
Someone also asked about my simple "cheat" show curtains:

Here's a close-up with the tent (the colors are not quite right, they're more like the first picture!). The only thing that didn't match was the place mat under the bowls - it's got cute Easter chickens on it and I just had to use it since it's almost Easter. LOL!

Puglette asked if I'd made the tent. Nope - I've bought it (but the patent is so simple that I might try to copy it once the boys destroy this one - which is inevitable I guess.). Admittedly I've only made curtains for show crates like these once before - but these really are laziness incarnated. I bought two brown curtains. Cut off the bottom half and hemmed the new edges. One of the "bottom halves" became the roof. If I'd had some more brain cell activity at the time the bottom one could have been hung in front of all the mess I keep under the crate. Oh well.. I hung the curtains next to each other (didn't bother to sew them together, just placed them so they overlapped slightly). Then I put in a soft beige fleece blanket laid double, popped in the tent, the tiny blue litterbox, 3 blue toys, the food/water bowls (white with blue and yellow lines) and a cat or two.. and viola!
Now we're home and happy - and I've taken Bajas for a walk and retired to the couch. Lovely!