Even if I skip this subject I will actually still be ahead. 3 subjects per semester are normal progression, and I took 7 in my first year (2 semestres) so as of today I can have one semester with 2subjects without any problems. I just wanted to get even more ahead. By not taking biochemistry this fall I will have to take it with general chemistry and a course with plant/fungi/animal-knowledge next fall. There is a bit of a risk that chemistry classes will be at the same time as some of my biology classes, but I think I'll take the risk.
I do not HAVE to take biochemistry, but it is one of 3 courses I have to choose among for my "free" course. So if my plan for next fall turns out to be impossible I have the option of taking only two classes and taking one of the spring alteratives spring 2011(I just really want the biochem). Taking it with chemistry probably isn't a bad thing as I should get some of the basics in the chemistry course while taking biochem.
Thanks again for your thoughful responses!
Big hugs (here represented by Coco and Nimbus),
Such sweet babies!! Glad you have decided to give yourself a break. You need to take time out for yourself so yuo don't keep getting sick. It will all work out the way it is supposed.
Jess & Lilo
That's great, bet you feel a lot better already:)
OK, phew. Now we don't have to worry that your head will explode.
That is one cute picture.
Lots of Licks--
oak and swish
hi ane!
oh i think you are absolutely right.
i am so glad that you listen to your heart. you know what is the best path. you are always ahead my friend and the hardest working person i know!
m & e
Happy to be of help! It sounds like you have it pretty well figured out. Some bad decisions resulted in my losing a whole year of university. It was not the end of the world - far from it! We're all in too much of a hurry these days!
no worries....what a cute picture
Benny & Lily
Sure you know what is better for you and I am sure you are going to do it great!
Go, girl!
I love that picture of Coco and Nimbus!
Kisses and hugs
Cute pics!
Good decision you have made!
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