Mom got new cookie cutters at IKEA! Aren't they cute?

PeeEss: Did you know cookie cutters are great if you're throwing a kids party? Use them to make fun shapes of pizza, brownies, sandwiches etc. (Obviously this also works well for childish adults like Mom)
Oh - and as some of you mentioned of course they can be used for dog bisquits as well. The squirrelie would be good for making treats for the Waggle we suppose. But Mom prefers us to eat grain free as much as possible and to have raw meaty bones or other yummies as treats. We're not gonna argue ;)
Thanks for the fun tip!
How khute!
When my mom was a wee one, on special okhkhasions my Doggy Nanny would khut her lunch sandwiches into special shapes (hearts, khlovers, etc)!
I'm thinking that skhwirrel one looks furry tasty!
And for dog cookies?
oh they are wonderful!
i LOVE your new IKEA purchase!
Mango's right, she could use them to make fun dog cookies!!! THat way you could enjoy them too =)
PeeeSeee: Salinger's mommy has a pug cookie cutter!!!
Hi Bajas! Guess who'll be shopping in IKEA soon? :D
You are right. Do not argue... just get the treats!
Kisses and hugs
Squirrel??? DId someone say squirrel???? Where???
Brutus the Frenchie
pee ess - you guys are so luck that your momma makes you special treats!!
Those are some pretty cool cookie cutters!
Lots of Licks--
Oak and Swish
Your new cookie cutters make our stars and hearts look very boring. It looks like there will be a trip to Ikea in our future:)
OH MY OH MY OH OMY!!! We have a bunny cookie cutter, but a stoopid city Squirrellie cookie cutter??? That is just toooooooooo much fun.
wags from the whippets
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