Hi everyone,
Thanks for all your kind words about the terrible tragedy that occurred here in Norway on Friday. We also got our power back yesterday, after almost 5 hours. We have no idea what caused it, but it was fairly local (as the pizza place had power.. BOL!). We had ham and pepperoni pizza, and PA had jalapeños on his half.

We've already shown you some of the tricks Gummi has been working on with Mom and the clicker.
http://wrigglebutts.blogspot.com/2011/07/talented-puppy.html And we thought we'd talk a bit about what that's all about.

Clicker training is mostly associated with the clicker, like the one above here.
Clicker training, however, generally refers to a special way of training where the sound from the clicker signals the dog that "yes! that's it!". It's called
operant conditioning - think of Pavlov's dogs: the bell signaled to the dogs that the food was coming, making them salivate. In the same way the click tells the dog a reward is coming. It's usually treats (especially in the beginning), but it can also be a game of tug or something else the dog enjoys. The treats to be tasty, soft (easy to eat), small enough that they don't have to chew a lot and big enough to be worth working for. The main benefits of clicker training is the precision you get and the ability to shape behaviors. Shaping refers to clicking for random action from the dog - you teach the dog to sit by clicking when the dog happens to sit down. You teach the dog to close the cupboard door by clicking for him looking at it, then touching it with his nose or paw, then by giving it a push and so on. Instead of luring the dog to do what we want, we use what the dog does to shape into something we can use. Or just for fun, like with Gummi and that tire.

Mom signed up for a free one week on-line clicker class just over a week ago and today we discovered that it's also available in English, so we thought we'd let you all know about it.
http://www.canisclickertraining.com/ Just sign up and every day you'll get an e-mail with the theory and you/your dog's homework. It will work great with a cat, too. Virus has done a little clicker training, but Mom didn't really continue his training. You can find some more free classes here:
http://www.clickerlessons.com/clicker.htm but it really was nice to get an e-mail reminding us to do the work every day. Gummi is signed up for puppy classes at the dog school the people from Canis is running - you can be sure you'll hear more about this in the future. BOL!

Interested in a good read this summer? For anyone interested in the principles we warmly recommend the book "Don't shoot the dog" by Karen Pryor.
http://store.clickertraining.com/dontshootdog.html Here's a link to it at the author's site, but it should be available many places. It's not specifically about dogs, despite what its name might suggest, but about how to make your kids go to bed on time, the angry bus driver to become happier and your cat stop using its claws when playing.. Just generally about how to shape the world around you into a better place.