21 January, 2011

Traveling pug

We are taking a little weekend trip. I have to say I love to travel on public transport - so many nice people to meet. I'm not too fond of the escalators, though. I don't mind being carried normally, but combined with going up and down stairs... Well... Knowing my clumsy humans... I don't want to go tumbling down to the bottom.
I met a lovely girl on the subway. She sat down on the floor to love on me and some of the surprised looks from the other passengers made mom laugh. BOL!
Have a great weekend everyone.
Kisses, Bajas


Anna the GSD said...

Wow, where are you going?? The suspense is killing me!!!

ps. there's now way I'd make it on moving stairs...and I don't think mom could hold me!

Kari in Alaska said...

Escalators can be very scary!


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We don't think we can even get into a building that has an escalator. Pups overseas have so many more advantages.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Duke said...

Look at you on the escalator, Bajas! That's one thing that we've never been on before! Have a fun weekend!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Unknown said...

Hope you had a nice trip. Me, (Mocha Barney) I do very well on escalators, my my sisters don't. Takes a bit of experience.