Yahoo! My first seed packs arrived today. These arrived from a site in Sweden - Rara Växter.
Bonus seeds - a frilly sort of poppy, Papaver laciniatum "Venus".

So to the stuff I've actually ordered - 3 kinds of chilis and some cherry tomatoes.
These are "Filius Blue"

So to the tomatoes - these are called "Houndreds and Thousands" and have popped up in several kinds of taste tests and have been mentioned as favorites on several blogs and websites I've visited, so why not try them?!

So.. now I'm dreaming of a mini greenhouse with lighting to give me a chance to actually get some live plants this summer. My birthday is coming up, so perhaps I can wish for donations for one of these. Might work well to grow micro greens and keep herbs alive in winter, too!

The boys, on the other hand, prefer to sleep. They might actually change their mind once they have a yard of their own, though!
