Okay... We're going into Exam Mode here at the WriggleButtHome. I'm not sure if I mentioned this this spring, but I decided to postpone one of my exams (I took twice the number of classes necessary and all the exams came at once, so... ) and I'll have it on Friday. Which means that, hopefully, I'll spend all my time studying until then - rather than blogging and reading and commenting and anything fun. Pls send some good learning vibes - I think I need them. LOL!
Here's a few more mountain pix - we saw something sibelishious, too!

Bajas! Thanks for the PeeWee product alert. I think you know who will have something to say about that on Wednesday.
I will send whatever learning vibes I can spare, but you know how badly the Mango needs ALL his mentals.
Good luck on your exam!!
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda & Brutus
We are not helping you study butt we will send good learning vibes your way. Let's practice..."sit." good
Benny & Lily
We are sending over lots of good learning vibes and lots of good luck on your test thoughts too!!
Good luck with your studies!!!
woo woos, Tessa
Good Lukhk!
Maybe woo needed some of that PAWESOME Sibe fuzz fur extra Sibe Vibes!
Lots of learning vibes are coming your way!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
sending lots of good vibes!!
Best of luck with your test!
Don't forget, we moved to http://dogisgodinreverse.com/
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