I'm sorry, but not surprised, to inform you that we will be more or less bad bloggers from now on and until Mom has survived the Exam Season. We need her for computer access and her photography skills (it's hard to snap the picture and be in it all at once, at least without opposable thumbs). We'll probably do the occational post and comment, and we'll read quite a few blogs when Mom needs a break. We just won't be very reliable and will seem absent. Mom will have exams on June 3, 4 and 8. Two exams will be on the 8th, actually. And she'll have to write and hand in another paper that is part of her grade and hand it in by the 3rd as well. So she'll be a leeetle bit busy. But we'll be back.

The cat tree has a really good vantage point even if I don't manage to climb all the way to the top.