24 October, 2009

Saturday shopping

Mom's been spending money left and right recently.. Not only did she order my portrait, but she's bought a few prints as well. It was our friends at "Forever Foster" that started it, really, when they bought such a lovely print from Tara Anderson. She had a lot of cute prints. But in the end we ended up getting the exaxt same print they did. It was just the cutest one. We also got another one - but since it's a gift it won't be revealed until later. This one will be up on our wall as soon as Mom find a frame that fits!

(It's got straight edges, but Mom photographed it at an angle because she used the flashie and it wasn't on a flat surface)

She also got this very cute Devon Rex print. It's got a partner, too, that also is a gift and will be posted later. It's from Suzanne Le Good.

She also ordered some stuff for Virus.. But as long as nothing edible arrives I'm not too envious. I like stuff that keeps the little monster entertained (otherwise I suddenly become his toy). We made a video of all his toys and such but then the computer died when we were saving it and.. well. We might redo it later, but for now you can enjoy our pretty prints!



BRUTUS said...

Can't wait to see your portrait! Mom just got something new for me too, we'll be posting it next week. Isn't it great to be loved my a momma that is so crazy about you that she does stuff like that??

Warm & Fuzzy Snorts-
Brutus the Frenchie

Dexter said...

The prints are wonderful. Such a great artist.

Can't wait to see little Virus.


Daisy said...

LOVE the Devon Rex print!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

The Devon Rex print made us smile!

Tank woo fur sharing!


Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Hello just popped over to say hello and thanks for visiting me.. I love visitors. You are a cute woofie with a nice smile.. Hugs GJ x

Duke said...

What cute prints! We love them!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Two French Bulldogs said...

those prints are adorable. Moms need to spend more money on bones and treats
Benny & Lily

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Those prints made us feel happy inside and we smiled.
Thank you for sharing
Beautiful art work

Amy & the house of cats said...

Those are really wonderful prints - they totally made me smile!

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

furry cute stuff your mewmie is collecting there! She has a Suzanne print too!