Can you believe the bestest little pug in the whole wide world turns 8 today? I won't repeat the birthday post from last year - but if you didn't read it you can learn a lot about how Bajas came to be mine and what a pain he was in the beginning. LOL! There are also puppy pix.
We'll be celebrating a little today with Auntie Anna and we'll try to take some pix so you can see tomorrow.
- Ane -

We also want to ask you all to pop over and wish
Salinger a happy birthday, too! Here he's posing with his mom's favourite tulips. Mom think they're very pretty and understand that they're off limit for peeing pugs, tulips are her favourite flower! It's quite funny actually - not only do Salinger and I share the same birthday, but our Mom's do, too (in February)!
As you can see, Salinger and I share the same philosophy in life, too:

I also want to wish a Happy Hatch Day to
Gilbert! He is Emmitt and Melissa's Parrotlet!

How cute is he?
Kisses from the birthday boy!