It's been a lovely spring day and we thought we'd let you all tag along on our walk! We went down to the University of Agriculture and wandered around for a bit... It's rather pretty if we may say so ourselves.

Wiew across the duck pond aproaching the campus.

One of our founding fathers, the old guys who wrote our constitution, came from our home town. On May 17th, our Constitutional Day all the children and loads of celebrating adults gather here in memory of Christian Magnus Falsen, our independence and our constitution.

A view more up close, not that you can read (or understand) the writing anyways.. Tee hee..

More pretty university buildings...

This is the old Dairy

From the back of the dairy - it's a museum now though.

This is a great site for a picnic! A bit later in spring there will be lots of flowers here, too!

This is one of the barns where they have cattle. When mom was just a youngster she used to wander down to the university in spring to visit the different barns. The people working there usually would let her (and sometimes her sister) in to see the kids, piglets, calves or other baby animals.


Most animals were still indoors, but the sheep was outsite and tried to eat the first green shoots of grass.

Mom says the reason she didn't take more pictures of us is that we got impatient and went all over the place whenever she got out the camera. Well.. Cell phone..

The chickens live inside here, apparently. We didn't see them or anything. Mom says baby chickens are very cute when they're just hatched and fluffy and yellow.

Across that field is daycare for kids of the students (and perhaps staff?). They must have lots of fun!

From the hen house towards the horses..

Mom! Mom! Seee.....

You might notice some of the horses in the background have a light spot on their side - it's a hole! Like a real hole with a lid on it! The scientist-people apparantly like to check out how the stuff the horses eat affects them. Mom says it's not painful at all, but we're not sure we'd like a hole in our tummies for her to look into...

Fruit trees and the spear of the church on top of the hill.

One neat thing is that pretty much anything that grows on the campus is labeled with info about what kind of tree/bush/plant it is so you risk learning something while taking your walk.

All I'm really interested in is checking out if Coco's butt smell any different from a few minutes earlier. It did. But just a little.
Spring kisses,
The WriggleButts